Harley Transmission Serial Numbers

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Harley Transmission Serial Numbers
  1. Harley Transmission Serial Numbers
  2. Ford Transmission Serial Number Lookup

Transmission serial number location. That understands Harley's you prolly are going to. With respect to any claim based upon transmission of your.

Kiwi Harley believes it is a mixed year bike with the following parts: Right motor and mag for a 1914. Tthe frame is 1917 to 1919 which changed in 1920 to 24. Gear box looks to be 1920s but if you look at the letter at the front of the serial number it will start with the letter of its year, being F for 1917 G for 1918 right through to M for 1924 then they went to numbers of its year. Tank is 1917 to 1921. Rear (fender) guard is 1918 through to 1921. Handlebars are 1925 up to about 1932.

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Harley Transmission Serial Numbers

The forks are 1917 to 1921. The rear hub and brake is around 1917 up to 1924 but would need to see it striped to give its exact year. The rear rim is a 1930s rim as it should be a clincher rim. The front rim is the same but the hub looks around 1916 to 1921 but need a closer look to be sure. The rear stand is 1917 up to mid 20s.

Ford Transmission Serial Number Lookup

The seat is 1912 to 14 or around that period.