Can Delete C Windows Installer Patchcache Managed

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  1. Delete Windows Installer Windows 10
  2. C Windows Installer

Heath Stewart's on MSDN blogs explains in detail. An excerpt:. cause the Windows Installer service to cache any of the original files being replaced into the baseline cache. It is this baseline cache that consumes a lot of drive space on the system drive after installing. The baseline cache facilitates patch uninstall by storing the original files so that they can be copied back to the target locations. by removing the baseline cache for a product, future repair, patch install, and patch uninstall scenarios may require your original installation media. If you have the drive space it is recommended that you keep the baseline caches available.

Sep 21, 2017 - You can easily delete installer patch files on Windows 10. In this way you can smartly manage the Windows system files and. The installer patch files on Windows 10 are located under 'C:WindowsInstaller$PatchCache$'. C: Windows Installer $PatchCache$ Managed. Adobe, java, and others, do not delete their old application files when they are updated. Many applications have temp files for a reason - they use them. If you delete them, they may recreate them, using up the CPU/network resources they tried to.


If in doubt, you can always go safer way: simply compress entire Installer map! Right click on the Installer map (or just $PatchCache$ map) and choose Properties. On General tab, click Advanced button. Finally, check Compress folders to save disk space. If asked, choose an option to compress all subfolders and files. This way you can gain up to 30% of free space (or in your case, nearly 300MB), and you keep everything in case you'll need this stuff later on. And system speed and response wont be affected much since system rarely accesses this map.

Can Delete C Windows Installer Patchcache Managed

You can apply this tactic to several other non-essential system maps, thus recovering lots of free space on your drive! You can delete the folder content. Follow these steps: 1) Stop Windows Installer the service. 2) Set the registry key that indicates the maximum folder size to zero. 3) Delete folder content.

Delete Windows Installer Windows 10

4) Start Windows Installer the service. 5) Stop Windows Installer the service. 6) Set the registry key that indicates the maximum folder size to 10 (default). 7) Start Windows Installer the service. Example: Net Stop msiserver /Y Reg Add HKLM Software Policies Microsoft Windows Installer /v MaxPatchCacheSize /t REGDWORD /d 0 /f RmDir /q /s%WINDIR% Installer $PatchCache$ Net Start msiserver /Y Net Stop msiserver /Y Reg Add HKLM Software Policies Microsoft Windows Installer /v MaxPatchCacheSize /t REGDWORD /d 10 /f Net Start msiserver /Y Extracted from.

C Windows Installer

The solution is to use the command from Start → Run → cmd: rmdir /q /s 'C: WINDOWS Installer $PatchCache$' Warning: This will not affect the Installer folder. All content msi files created there will remain until the program is uninstalled. $PatchCache$ can grow up to GB of size which takes a lot of my hard disk space. This command will delete $PatchCache$, and after you finish, run dir C: WINDOWS Installer $PatchCache$ to see if the folder is still there.

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You can also use del /q /s%tmp% which deletes all files in the temporary folder, which are created by installing software.