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This is a clear acrylic fretboard, laser-engraved with fret markings for a 23-inch scale. These were designed for use on our 2x4 Lap Steel kit. Hawaiian Steel Guitar Association (HSGA) on how to build a lap style steel guitar. Make templates for every cutting, boring, or routing operation performed on the. And, use one of the free fret distance calculator tools that are available on. Lap steels can be as simple as a 2x4 with some strings and a pickup. This one got a. Here is a PDF if you want to use mine as a template. (click for full size). A fret board, and the lap steel is a great way to experience the joys of learning. Hole locations to stainless steel bridge plate using plastic template's 1/16” holes. Fitting the fretboard dot markers 52. Gluing on the. Making the template 71. Shaping the guitar. I call this lap steel guitar simple because it is basi- cally just a. Lap steel fretboard template.
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