Ekologi Pangan Dan Gizi Pdf

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  1. Karenanya, peningkatan status gizi masyarakat memerlukan kebijakan yang menjamin setiap anggota masyarakat untuk memproleh makanan yang cukup jumlah dan mutunya, dalam konteks itu masalah gizi tidak lagi semata-mata masalah kesehatan tapi juga masalah kemiskinan, pemerataan, dan masalah kesempatan kerja.Status gizi dapat dinilai dengan dua cara, yaitu penilaian status gizi secara langsung dan penilaian status gizi secara tidak langsung.
  2. Dalam gizi seimbang tidak hanya mendidik soal makanan dan keseimbangan komposisi zat gizi dan kebutuhan tubuh akan zat gizi (karbohidrat, protein, lemak, vitamin dan mineral, dan air), tetapi juga kesimbangan dengan pola hidup bersih untuk mencegah kontaminasi makanan dan infeksi.

Sejalan dengan sasaran global dan perkembangan keadaan pangan dan gizi masyarakat, rumusan tujuan umum program pangan dan gizi tahun 2001-2005 yaitu menjamin ketahanan pangan tingkat keluarga, mencegah dan menurunkan masalah gizi, mewujudkan hidup sehat dan status gizi yang optimal.

Background: Antioxidant elements such as vitamin C, vitamin E, lycopene, chlorophyl, polyphenol, and other flavonoid existed on various foods of fruits, vegetable, tea, coffee, and others. The foods are usually consumed in our every single day.

Some previous studies had shown that there were various benefits of antioxidant elements for animal and human health. However, the antioxidative effect of the antioxidant elements in combating free radicals in the body is not similar to each other.

Objective: This study was aimed to analyze the effect of antioxidant foods (green grass jelly drinks, tomato juice, papaya, and black tea) on blood levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) among college students. Method: The study was designed by pre-post test control study. Subjects were divided into five groups, consisted of four intervention groups and one control group.

Every group consisted 6 persons. Each subject was asked to consume one kind of antioxidant foods in a single serving size per day for 21 days. Results: All of the subjects who consumed fried foods had high MDA levels in pre-intervention. The results of this study showed that MDA level in the group of green grass jelly drink decreased significantly (p0,05). Conclusion: The antioxidant foods which can reduce plasma MDA level were green grass jelly drink. However, tomato juice, papaya, and tea can also reduce plasma MDA level, but not statistically significant. Nurohmi S, Amalia L.


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Ekologi Pangan Dan Gizi

Int J Biomed Sci 2008;4(2):89-96. Shalaby EA, Shanab SMM. Antioxidant compounds, assays of determination and mode of action.


Makalah Ekologi Pangan Dan Gizi Pdf

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